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  1. Sam’s website is a magazine cover with an animated portrait of himself. Check out the past editions too!

  2. Ian’s website seems simple at first, but scroll past the project section and enter an interdimensional SVG wormhole. Or at least that’s what I think it is.

  3. The real show goes on behind the scenes on iamschulz: Pop open the console and you can experience this website as a text adventure!

  4. The website for this art supplies company features a canvas you can draw on and then submit your painting! I drew a fruit salad. It wasn’t my best work.

  5. Derek’s personal site has a friendly floating whale. 'Nuff said.

  6. Alvin’s website has a fun canvas animation that reacts to scroll. Also check out the “about” page - good stuff.

  7. There’s lots to love on Nils’ site - my personal favorite is the slider to adjust the CSS detail level, with the animated call-to-action waffle coming in a close second.

  8. The boop sound effects alone would put Jason’s new site on this list, but then there’s like 18 other fun things. A gold standard in whimsy.

  9. Simone’s site is a throwback to the Win95 days, and his attention to detail there is amazing. Click the trash if you have a bit too much time on your hands.

  10. Patrick’s website is a spectacular mix of squishy animation, beautiful design and fun little details. Scroll through his projects and discover them all!


That's all of them - for now.
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