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  1. Cassie’s site has lots of fun little details. She even shows up herself to watch you write her an email.

  2. Stefan has a “TL;DR” switch for all his blogposts, showing you just the really essential parts if you’re in a hurry. There’s also a “celebrate” button - I’ll let you figure that one out yourself.

  3. Josh’s site is a regular goldmine of whimsy. Hit counters, heart buttons, sound effects, floating avatars - you name it.

  4. Press a button on Monica’s site and it starts raining emoji.

  5. Swyx’ site is full of web development knowledge, but his scrollbar is full of love.

  6. Jack teaches a course called “Radical Design”, so it’s no wonder his site is a bit different. Try scrolling around the “Design Work” section for a good laugh.

  7. If you view Wes’ site on a very wide display, he congratulates you on your big monitor.

  8. The floating possum is the official mascot of the static site generator Eleventy,
    so naturally its documentation includes a nice flyover appearance.

  9. The hamburger on Zach’s site might not be useful for navigation - but it sure is tasty.

  10. Max’s site (that’s me) has a built-in theme switcher, including something called “Lobster Mode”. I’m sorry.


That's all of them - for now.
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